(Get the basics on how to make a budget, use credit, avoid scams, and more)
您的钱 (Your Money)
- 制定预算 (Making a Budget)
- 开设银行账户 (Opening a Bank Account)
- 借记卡的使用 (Using Debit Cards)
- 工薪解析 (Your Paycheck Explained)
- 预算工作表 (Budget Worksheet)
信用 (Credit)
- 信用记录解析 (Your Credit History Explained)
- 检查信用报告 (Checking Your Credit Report)
- 申请信用卡 (Getting a Credit Card)
- 改善您的信用评分 (Improving Your Credit)
债务 (Debt)
- 债务解析 (Debt Explained)
- 身负债务时寻求帮助的途径 (Getting Help When You’re in Debt)
- 发薪日贷款和现金预支解析 (Payday Loans and Cash Advances Explained)
- 债务催收员和您的权益 (Debt Collectors and Your Rights)